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Five Positive Things That Happened This Week While We Were Focused on the Coronavirus

2020 might have gone already.

But the whole world is still grappling with the pandemic that dominated our airwaves throughout 2020. Regardless, we recognize just how great the few good news we hear every now and then can help lift our moods and spirits. This is why we’ve collated five of the most positive news headlines of the past week, Monday, January 18, 2021, to inspire laughter, happiness, and smiles on your faces!

1. Major, First-ever Rescue Dog ‘Indogurated’ Into the White House

Major’s story is a lot like Tofu’s.

Recently, we published a post on Tofu, an all-white pomeranian adopted from the shelter home who was once on the verge of being euthanized simply for being deaf.

Major, President Biden’s family dog also made history this week for being the first-ever rescue dog to move into the White House.

The Delaware Humane Association even hosted a virtual ‘indoguration’ party for the ‘first dog.’ That event was described as the ‘largest virtual party for a dog’ and was used to raise $200k for the pet rescue group that adopted the dog out to the Bidens.

2. Countries Aligned to Save 30% of the Warth’s Land and Sea

The US joining the Paris agreement again is good news for the climate.

In the same vein, 50 countries, led by France, Britain, and Costa Rica, under the umbrella of the High Ambition Coalition for People and Nature, announced new plans aimed at conserving 30% of the world’s land and sea with a deadline set for 2030.

The new agreement was signed at the One Planet Summit for Biodiversity in Paris and will now be taken to the UN Council on Biodiversity meeting in China in May 2021.

3. Seaweed Farms in Wales Want to Grow More Seaweed to Help Cows Fight Climate Change

If you love our environment as much as we do here at One Contact Center, then you’ll agree with us that every step taken towards fighting global warming is a very big deal.

This news came out of Wales during the week that Carbon Kapture, a firm in the UK, is looking at cultivating seaweeds to make eco-friendly cow meals. This can go a long way to reduce methane production in cows by up to 98%!

4. Free Access to Books for Kids in England!

The last featured news from the week has more to do with kids.

Many of our children have had to put up with remote learning since the pandemic began. Accessing libraries has been almost impossible for most students. This week, the Oak National Academy and National Literacy Trust opened a virtual library for children across England to get easy access to books.

Over four million children have used the Virtual School Library in the last two weeks alone. Henceforth, these children will be able to read a book every week from a nominated author.

5. The US rejoins the Paris Climate Agreement

The Paris climate agreement was an accord between nations of the world to fight global warming effectively. While the US originally joined the agreement in 2016, President Trump rescinded that decision during his administration.

Newly inaugurated President Biden has, however, issued an executive order, hours into his presidency, bringing the US once again into the Paris agreement between 190 out of 197 nations of the world. It’s a big deal, folks!

Lots of uncertainties are flying around.

But good things are still happening even if they don’t get as much attention as the bad ones. We hope these events from the past week have been able to inspire positivity and bring smiles to your face.

Written by ONE Contact Center