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How OCC Fosters Diversity & Inclusion in the Contact Center

One Contact Center has always promoted diversity and inclusion within its workplaces since forever. The agency has implemented diverse strategies over the years to keep up with its D&I goals. And just last year, the company’s Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Armando Castro was invited to participate in the 5th annual Organizational Business Resource Group Roundtable by the IL Diversity Council (ILDC).

For the folks at One Contact Center, diversity and inclusion is more than just a policy or another buzzword. The contact center/BPO agency has D&I well ingrained into the company’s culture and DNA. Here are three ways One Contact Center is actively working to promote cultural competencies within its work environments;

1. Treating All Employees Fairly as Individuals

Ensuring D&I means giving everyone their own fair share of opportunity regardless of their cultural, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious, and diverse backgrounds. While this is only the right thing to do, there are also many stats to prove that there are huge business benefits to gain.

Higher than average diversity can mean up to 20% higher innovation revenues, according to Harvard Business Review.

High female representation in C-Suite level positions can mean up to 34% more returns for shareholders, according to FastCompany.

Glassdoor also puts it that 67% of job seekers would prefer to work in diverse work environments while up to 50% of current employees would also like to see their employers do more than they’re currently doing on diversity. One Contact Center is acting on the knowledge of all these to ensure fairness and respect in the treatment of every employee in its contact centers as real and unique individuals.

2. Promoting Cultural Competencies Within the Workplace

Cultural competence has to do with an organization's knowledge, understanding, and interaction with people of different cultural backgrounds and perspectives. It has more to do with how the workforce is able to navigate the work environment successfully with people of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, languages, etc.

At One Contact Center, the company is working tirelessly to help employees improve intercultural competence, gain a conscious knowledge of their own social identities, which in turn informs their view of the world and other people. This helps employees interact better with each other as they can form more meaningful relationships that often extend further than the four walls of the contact center facilities.

3. Revamping HR and recruiting to drive diversity and inclusion across every level of the organization

Finally, it’s important to understand just how important the HR team can be in ensuring any organization meets its diversity and inclusion goals. Some time ago, we published a blog on HR Mandate and Roles in Improving Workplace Diversity and Inclusion. For One Contact Center, four things are very important with regards to this;

Assembling a diverse recruiting team.

Identifying and removing conscious and unconscious biases that may exist within hiring processes.

Recruiting contact center agents and other employees from very diverse sources, and;

Standardizing the entire hiring process to ensure the company can successfully attract and engage the best talents across different backgrounds.


So far, this approach to D&I has been successful for One Contact Center. More importantly, the organization recognizes that this is not just a one-time thing. Ensuring diversity, inclusion, and equity should be a continuous process and OCC rightly treats it so.

Not only has this helped the company in adding innovations from unique perspectives into its contact center and BPO services delivery, but it’s also brought a great sense of fulfillment for a company that’s always striving to beat its own social and corporate responsibility records.

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses to startups and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.

Written by ONE Contact Center